Monday, May 24, 2021

The republican party is not serious (#4496)

      I see all these republican politician talking heads on the television and they are all trying to sound like they are wise and know what is correct to do. It is all a huge lie. They are not wise nor are they trying to do what is in the best interest of our nation. They are just acting out lines they have refined to be able to hoodwink us with false logic. They are not a serious party at all. They try to change every problem that is simply understood in order to deny the simple solutions that we all know will work. It is insane to me to even watch them pretzel out responses that are both disingenuous and also intentionally false.
     Their whole agenda of denying democratic principles within our society and replacing it with hate and snobbery is their goal. If they can turn us against each other then they will stop the change that is coming with democratic policies. I say democratic policies because republicans a long time ago quit trying to help the American people and instead are laser focused on only helping the wealthy and powerful. So as long as they can go on television and spew their propaganda without being sufficiently challenged then our society and the improvements we need within it are going to be stalled.
     Instead of asking how democrats are going to get 10 republican senators to join with them to vote on intelligent policies that actually help everyone, the media should be roasting all republicans for not supporting good solid policies. The idea that democrats should be faulted for failing to convince republicans to do the correct thing is absurd and indicative of how much the media protects, with bias, the republican party that is not serious. I am appalled by it and blame the media for allowing the narrative to be expressed in terms that denigrate democrats because of the selfish cruelty republicans hold dear.

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