Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Keep exposing the republican stench and corruption (#4490)

      The rot of the republican party is stinking like skunk spray. There is nothing healthy about the republican party and what they are trying to do instead of healing themselves they are trying to infect everyone around them. They are more like the Covid virus, trying to infect us all so that we are like them instead of cleaning up their own host and living like the amazing human being species that we truly are. So the only thing left for us liberal/progressive's and moderate independents to do is to leave the republican party to its demise and focus on the work that is needed to reshape the post Covid economy and our social expansion. There is nothing republicans can offer that is helpful or imaginative. 
     So as our United States electorate begins to learn that any allegiance to what they thought was the grand old party has been badly misplaced the real work of change begins. As the midterm election draws closer the idea that the republican party has an appealing message is for naught. They will get their die hard base to stay with them and the lies they spew but the rest of the thinking electorate will not have any of it. Which portends well for we who have a real vision for our country and policies that buttress that vision. As we had an electrifying 2020 election the momentum that girded that is still with us. Because we know now even more so that giving the republican party any leadership is giving ourselves a punch in the gut.
     It isn't even that difficult for us to expose the stench of the republican party as the corrupt head of it, trump, is well good enough at exposing it himself. His minions who are all in on the big lie are as well good at repelling thinking voters. I expect that there will be another good showing for democrats in the midterms and with that greater margins in Congress. With those greater margins I also expect that there will be changes made in 2023 without democratic obstruction from the few in the senate who are not as enlightened as we had hoped they would be. There is still the need to offset voter suppression but if not through Congress then the courts may be our only hope in making sure that the republican party cannot deny votes that would help cure their raging disease.

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