Sunday, May 2, 2021

The republican agenda, sabotage Joe Biden's vision for our economic success (#4474)

      The republican party has always wanted a vast pool of workers who are dependent upon the wealthy for survival. They don't want a healthy working middle class, they want an unlimited supply of poor people who are willing to work for less than poverty wages. This is why the republican party will not raise the federal minimum wage and actually if they had their way they would eliminate the federal minimum wage. They want no regulations, no restraints on the whims of the wealthy. If this isn't clear to everyone yet then we still have some learning pains to go through. Which explains why republicans are still being elected to positions of power.
     So all those good programs that Joe Biden outlined in his address to the nation the other night are like a red flag to republicans. Their vision of an autocracy that doesn't accept equality is in danger if we democrats are able to make law that will help the working middle poor class with opportunities. So the idea that there is going to be bipartisanship on anything substantive is naive at best and full of dishonest ulterior motive at worst. However don't take my word for it just watch how the efforts at bipartisanship play out in the coming weeks and months and then conclude the truth from that. Joe Biden was wise to put a deadline on these bipartisan efforts so that the republican party cannot delay legislation as a strategy.
     I expect that once the dishonesty of the republican party is once again exposed it will trigger our moderate senators to rethink their stance on blocking legislation with only democratic approval. Because to have an opposing political party to bargain with takes an honest opposing political party and republicans are not that if they ever were. I have been critical of Joe Manchin and rightly so but it is his nature to work across the aisle but even he will have to admit that this current crop of republicans are not acting in good faith. He will come around once he is sure that he has tried his best and failed at negotiating with republicans and he sees that they just tried use him to their advantage.

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