Monday, May 31, 2021

The racists 100 years ago in Tulsa and the racists of today's republican party (#4503)

      I am only going back 100 years here with this and not the totality of the 402 years of racial slavery of Africans on United States of America soil. Because the vividness of the marking that 100 years ago today exemplifies needs to be distinguished with it's own time marker. Those whites in Tulsa who couldn't stand that a community of black folks had gotten ahead in life such that they were examples to the whole country as to how democracy could and should operate as an economic structure that they had to wipe them off the face of the Earth. Racism back then did that and racism today is trying to do the same thing although the targets are far more spread out and indiscriminate.
     The boot on the neck paradigm that too many whites have as they perceive communities and individuals of color has flourished under the trump cabal and is now exposing itself for all the world to see. These white folks have infiltrated our military and our policing administrations such that they are not easily identifiable when they choose not to be. Racism is a culture that is a choice. When one knows that they are being racist and instead of apologizing and modifying their behavior away from racism choose to keep it and hide it when needed. There is not one racist who knows they are racist and can tell themselves they are not with any honesty. They are cowards if they do, hiding behind a lie!
     Cowards, that is what racists are. They have failed as human beings so they lash out at other vulnerable human beings. So 100 years ago today, in Tulsa Oklahoma, a gang of domestic terrorists under the color of authority killed 100's of black folks and burned down the greatest black city in the United States of America to have risen above the slavery that was abolished decades before. The cowardice of certain members of the white race once again reveals itself as they could not stand that folks of previous slave status could out do them in a fair contest to seek and pursue their happiness. Democracy was never a strength of racists then, and neither now as republicans have embraced racists into their party.

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