Tuesday, June 1, 2021

A new affirmation vote to our constitution in both chambers of Congress is needed (#4504)

      As a show of respect to our democracy a new affirmation of their oaths should be required by Schemer and Pelosi to see who is on the side of our democracy! Making all sitting Congress people vote to affirm their oaths would go a long way toward holding them to it and weeding out those who cannot go that far anymore. I doubt that they would go against a new oath being made since all will be watching to see who are the bad apples in our Congress. Most if not all will vote to reaffirm their oaths and that goes a long way toward showing unity for our government even if it is not exactly true.
     Being on the record for democracy is a valuable tool to show our electorate that fealty to those who would and are still trying an insurrection in our country is not to be allowed. The breaking of the oath for purposes that align with treason should have punishments that reflect the seriousness of their acts. Each Congressperson must choose between the treasonous rhetoric of the trump clan or the democratic ideals instilled in our national constitution. Because we cannot have both and if there are insurrectionists embedded in our Congress we need to flush them out and then appropriately deal with them.
     Make no mistake here either. Our constitution is under assault by those who vote with the republican party so watching how each republican deals with having to give a vote on the record that they hold their oaths of office in higher regard than the fealty to trump is worth having the vote. Democracy must never be weakened it must always be strengthened. So any legislative bill that at its core does not improve democracy then it is to be called out as such and hung around the neck of those who proposed it. Keeping the manifest destiny of the principle of democracy alive and well moving forward is all our charge and any and all who get in the way of that charge will be in the least, exposed and expelled from ever administering our democracy in the future.

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