Sunday, June 20, 2021

(#4523) Late but not lost

     I have had a very busy last 36 hours so not even time to post a blog post this morning. But I am now back in my chair at my desk ready to post about something. I have been out of the loop I am usually in so I have no clue what to even consider so I will take a moment and educate myself about whatever first strikes me. This is happening in real time so good luck to me and all of you brave souls who read my opinions. I will be right back. In that short little interval I didn't see anything that struck me as needing some added discussion. It is appropriate that I did decide to miss my Sunday morning blog post when it is Father's day coming off of Juneteenth yesterday.
     There is one thing I will say about our new national holiday, Juneteenth. As republicans all over the country are trying to deny the teaching of critical race theory the rest of us are celebrating the delivering of a message of freedom from slavery to the black race. It isn't out of sorts for this contradiction to be so blatant as the republican party cannot seem to find itself capable of either telling the truth nor of being good stewards to the human race. The only thing republicans seem to be good at is opposing anything that would help the working middle poor class. So not really good at anything but surely bad at most everything.
     So nothing more to report that has a significant bearing on our nation except maybe the Manchin/Klobuchar/Markey voting rights bill that hopefully will be done Monday so that there is actually a bill that can be voted on in the senate come this week. I expect it to be more than what Manchin has outlined already but how much more remains to be seen. Like I have said before, I expect the republicans in the senate to unanimously vote it down which in my mind forces Manchin to do a carve out from the filibuster specifically for voting rights. It really is the smart move by Manchin since he will see first hand how impossible it is to get republicans into a bipartisan bill when all they want is for every democrat politician to die or leave office.

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