Sunday, June 27, 2021

(#4530) If republicans don't back the bipartisan infrastructure agreement they will have nothing to take back home to crow about

      The calculus is as simple as it gets here. So naturally republicans don't understand what to do. They at first agreed to the bipartisan infrastructure bill they negotiated, then hedged on it after they fake realized that it wouldn't be the only infrastructure bill that would be passed into law. First, I am unbelieving that they didn't know about the 2 track process and the need to bring progressives into passing the bipartisan bill. For weeks progressives have been saying that without a reconciliation bill to accompany the bipartisan bill there would be no bipartisan bill that would pass through a democratic led Senate. So for republican to now feign ignorance is ludicrous and shameful on their heads.
     Second is since President Biden was elected progressives have been calling for a reconciliation process for passing historic infrastructure needs. So again for republicans to just now say that they weren't aware of this is beyond stupidity of a claim by them. This latest outcry by republicans claiming that they didn't know about a second infrastructure go alone bill is all bluff and inept strategy. They know they got the best deal they were going to get through the bipartisan bill and that hasn't changed. So for them now to be threatening to subvert the bipartisan bill is typical and actually expected. thus the two track system.
     Like all republican maneuvers to infiltrate themselves into a bipartisan relationship, the goal isn't to forge a bipartisan bill, the goal is to run out the clock and then let the bipartisan work fall apart. But in this case republicans had better fall through on their bipartisan work less we democrats pass all we want through reconciliation. So no matter how much republicans whine over the next several weeks they will vote for the bipartisan infrastructure bill and then cringe when we democrats also pass a reconciliation bill. Steady on the wheel democrats the choppy seas that republican are creating are not persuasive enough for us to change anything about our course.

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