Tuesday, June 15, 2021

(#4518) The pressure is ramping up on Manchin

     Yesterday there was a march in Charleston, West Virginia to highlight the fact that West Virginians want bills passed into law regardless of the rules of the Senate. Joe Manchin keeps saying that he wants to honor the filibuster rule even though the filibuster rule came from a dishonorable birth. Not only that but the filibuster rule has morphed into a tool for those who would deny democracy in America. So protecting it now in the face of allowing republicans to call the shots from the minority is ludicrous and idiotic to say the least of what I could have said.
     Not only are democratic lawmakers from all over our democratic party being forward in their attempt to bring Manchin into the party line but now the people of our nation are speaking up with one voice, change the filibuster and pass vitally needed legislation into law. There will be a march in Washington D.C, this coming week also focused on putting pressure on Manchin and in my opinion the pressure should never be lessened. It should only be increased until we get our votes on saving our society and saving our democracy. The question of D.C, statehood should not leave the conversation neither as that is an example of the grave injustice of taxation without representation.
     Two states, Wyoming and Vermont actually have lower populations than D.C. while Alaska and North Dakota only having marginally more. So the concept that D.C. is not worthy of representation is ridiculous and anti democratic. Also, arguing that the size of the land mass of D.C. is too small is basing the area of land over the rights of people. A failed argument as to placing dirt over the rights of American citizens. But that isn't the priority at the moment. The priority is to get Manchin off his position so that all these other issues of voting rights and societal repair can become possible as well as proper representation for over 700,000 American citizens.

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