Saturday, June 12, 2021

(#4515) The republican party is trying to run out the clock on democrats

      Well over a year now since the death of George Floyd and still no federal police reform bill. It would seem to me that the issues surrounding police reform are not that complicated as opposed to other issues. But it seems it is to republicans because they cannot seem to grasp the concept of solving problems instead of creating them. We democrats under President Joe Biden have been honest about bipartisanship since the beginning and the only thing republicans have been honest about is that they don't want bipartisanship to work. They put on a show that they do but their actions speak louder than their dishonest words.
     As the republican playbook of obstruction from 2009 is being redone by republicans they also seem to think that we are not smart enough to see them doing it. Well Joe Biden is patient to a point and his strategy to win over reluctant democratic senators is in full swing. Now as the republican party continues to overplay their hand Joe will call their bluff shortly. We all know it is coming and none of us who have been through this before with republicans is the least bit surprised. The republican party wants power and they know they cannot get power if they allow we democrats to give the American people what they want and need. So the little dance of bipartisanship is beginning to conclude and then we can get after making laws that work for all of us.
     It is well into June now so it has only been under 5 months since Joe took the presidents office so we are not behind any curve yet. But that will shortly become our reality if we don't very soon force the republican party to put up or shut up as it were. The Joe Manchin's of the world cannot argue that bipartisanship was not given it's chance to come to fruition. So when it is time, they must find a new argument for not supporting filibuster reform or reconciliation. I have thought long and hard about this and I cannot perceive of any logical excuse for keeping their opposition in place. When Joe Biden does force a vote of high priority legislation then those who initially opposed will likely be forced off of their previous positions.

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