Thursday, June 3, 2021

(#4506) What is still on my mind? Ending the filibuster in the senate

      I do believe soon we will get some movement on the filibuster as it is now, but when will that be? Not sure but within the next 2 months I am certain we will know. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema have got to find their courage and intelligence to do the correct thing and vote to pass certain legislation without any republican votes. Because the republican party is not going to vote for anything that Joe Biden is proposing. I know Joe Biden expected that republicans would debate proposals in good faith but that is not how this republican party works. This republican party only wants to stop every thing democrats propose so that the republican party can try to take back power. Power is their goal not the needs of the American people.
     So Manchin and Sinema will have to come around after being subjected to such pressure that they either give in and join in the democratic effort to correct societal disfunctions or they decide to not support societal solutions that effect the vast majority of us. If not then the end of the democratic rule will be imminent. Both Manchin and Sinema will lose their next Senate races and both will be blackballed from further democratic party influence. Plus, when the 2022 elections are done Manchin will find himself in a Senate minority and not a chairman of any subcommittee. As well the vast majority of the public will see both as traitors to the democratic ideal of equality and fairness.
     The lack of a federal voting rights law will only benefit republicans and make for certain that the republicans regain the majorities in both the Senate and the House. Joe Biden will be able to get very little done if anything and we will once again be a society that has major problems and no one in rule who is willing to help. Unlike right now where if Manchin and Sinema were for the end of the filibuster we would be legislating solutions unlike at any time in our American history except for the FDR years. I hope Manchin and Sinema realize the historical nature of their current opposition and just what kind of stain on their legacies opposing filibuster reform will have on them and theirs.

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