Monday, June 14, 2021

(#4517) The era of trump made us all a bit stupider

     I see otherwise intelligent folks who are now talking in gibberish as far as I am concerned. Anyone who would believe a republican would tell the truth after being exposed for some criminality is delusional. Which is why too many are having a hard time coming to grips with the reality of it. Here, let me explain it so that you can move on from it. The republican party is doing horrible things all the time and they never apologize for it. Never. It is a rule in their party that if you get caught doing underhanded things either deny it or blame a democrat for it. So thinking that a republican would tell the truth is like believing in Unicorns.
     Stop it! There are no Unicorns just like there are no honest republicans. Now for sure some republicans are struggling with their identity and occasionally tell the truth about something not criminal behavior but when it comes to being caught in a lie they never admit the truth nor apologize. The better course of action is to blame them for their failures and then let them lie with their answers so we can all see how low they have become. Which is difficult because they were already very low. The better course of things if you have to talk about something is to take a democratic policy and highlight it with all it's positives.
     We democrats can be pretty smart when we choose to ignore the republican trap of letting them define our world. They only see one thing, gaining power and whatever nuance they can use to detract from reality they will bring about at the ready. So stop listening or even acknowledging their existence and instead keep a focus on what helps our society and not on what confuses it. Let us remember that the current republican party is blocking and mocking everything that we democrats are trying to accomplish so treat the republican party as a pariah that only can harm without any good benefit. Leave it to it's floundering and move on with the most of us to making our world better for now and the future.

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