Thursday, June 17, 2021

(#4520) Expect to see the 2 businessmen being held in Russia to be released

     The summit in Geneva was a perfect opportunity for both America and Russia to reset their relations with each other. Given that there is much to work on I expect that one of the earliest moves by Russia to show that they are willing to at least give the appearance of cooperation is to release the 2 Americans being held. For several reasons in my mind. First that it is an emotional victory for Russia as the families of the men and Americans generally will be grateful for the gesture and secondly the signal that Russia will be sending is that businessmen are now welcome again to come to Russia and invest in Russian products and other opportunities.
     Now I know it is a simple gesture Russia would be making to show a willingness but it is also a step in the correct direction and will bring a lot of good will their way. If putin is any kind of strategist he will know that good will is something that his authoritarian government desperately needs. The Russian goal of being a world player is best served by them ingratiating themselves back into the world community especially since they were horrible actors in many areas of civilized behavior. What President Biden has given Russia is a do over and Russia would be wise to take the opportunity and stop being the belligerent liars they have been up to this moment.
     We will see but at any moment I expect to see the 2 men on a plane back home to America. What this will do for Joe Biden is also significant as he will then have a real tangible accomplishment and important gift from the autocrat putin. Both countries returning their ambassadors to their respect foreign posts is a big deal but not a huge deal like the return of the 2 businessmen to America. We will see and I may be reading this all wrong but I don't think I am as an opportunity for both nations is available if putin is serious about repairing his relations with the West. The smart move on his part is to release the 2 men immediately and begin to step back into civilized society.

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