Wednesday, June 16, 2021

(#4519) Vice President Kamala Harris and matriarchal societies

      It was appropriate for me to see that Vice President Kamala Harris made her first visit to Mexico and Central America. This region has been known for its matriarchal leadership. As a side note, I had come to the conclusion decades ago that women at the top of leadership in society was a kinder and more civil approach to how society should be. Although not perfect it was and still is less dangerous and more complimentary to democratic principles. Women are mothers and as such much more prone to nurture than the dictates of nature which can be harsh and cruel when men have the levers of power. This isn't absolute as some men are better at kindness than women but that is the exception not the rule.
     For me the optic is perfect in that a woman of immense power now, Kamala Harris showed grace and humility for the most part and that disarmed those who were maybe expecting confrontation and demands. Veep Harris is a smart and engaging woman who is also willing to extend America out into new friendships and partnerships. Her visit went extremely well and we Americans may come away with the knowledge that Kamala Harris is a mature and serious leader who showed she can command the office of president if needed. I am well pleased with her efforts to stabilize existing problems with foresight to the long lingering systemic reasons for those very problems.
     President Joe Biden has showed his administration is willing to solve problems that have long been ignored while defining the overall narrative to them for we the American electorate to better understand. Joe Biden has also shown that he is willing to put the money to problems that needed just such a solution. He is FDR like FDR was when he got us out of the Great Depression and guided us to victory in World War 2. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are a refreshing antidote to the long suffering problems we as a nation had not yet addressed. With Joe leading the way and Kamala shoring up his flanks we Americans are now prepared to look more like a matriarchal society that treats all of its citizens as loving children and that is centuries overdue!

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