Saturday, June 26, 2021

(#4529) Even if the compromise infrastructure bill goes away...

      The beauty of the compromise infrastructure bill is that they had an agreement. Everyone on the select 20 person bipartisan committee agreed to vote for the bill if it came up in regular order. Even 11 republicans agreed to the bill. Well now that the republicans have seen their agreement get snubbed by other republicans over the two track system the bickering about passing the compromise bill is making some of the original 11 republicans backtrack their support for the bipartisan bill. Be that as it may be the cat is out of the bag so to speak about the original agreement between the bipartisan committee.
     So even if the republicans pull their support of the bipartisan bill, not for what is in it but for the dual track legislation that is also being arranged, the fact that President Biden got the initial deal on the merits of the deal makes for a go alone bill even more necessary. In the bipartisan bill there was compromise on the democratic side, so if republicans squash the bipartisan bill, democrats are not going to be held to those compromises and can now pass a bill that has less to do with what republicans wanted and more to do with what democrats know we need. Again, a win/win. No matter now how republicans shoot themselves in the foot the pain is always going to be on them.
     I expect that if anyone with any wisdom left in the republican party can get a handle on this one aspect of the infrastructure bipartisan bill and make sure that it passes will be the best outcome for the republican party. If not we democrats will pass a go alone reconciliation bill that will likely have little or no republican input. With the reconciliation bill getting all the needs of infrastructure policy in it. I know our progressive wing of the democratic party will be much happier and even the moderate democrats who tried to get a bipartisan bill will be onboard because of the republican sabotage of their effort after they had secured a bipartisan agreement that now republicans are blowing up.

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