Wednesday, June 23, 2021

(#4526) Talk about a battle for the soul of our nation!

      The antiquated filibuster rule that was used primarily to subvert the rights of minorities in our nation by unscrupulous politicians is now being used to subvert the rights of not only minorities but of poor folks of all color by a couple of politicians who think they are being noble to democracy. Just because they think they are being noble to democracy however doesn't diminish their wrong assessment. They are not being noble to democracy and are actually helping along its demise. The power that the senate filibuster gives to the minority, in this case insurrectionist anti-democratic republican politicians is an extinction level event for democracy.
     The republican party has shown that they are not about protecting the values of what makes a democracy and are instead trying to build a system that is devoid of democracy. Most would call it an authoritarian type system of rule and that may well be the most accurate definition. So for our few senators on the democratic side who are still clinging to a rule in the senate that has a dubious and hurtful origin is not only a blaspheme to democracy it is an unearthing of our cherished democratic form of government. The republican party is not one that wants the good of democracy, they want the power they can steal from democracy!
     Steve Benen accurately describes the narrative that drives the republican party today. They are "post policy". In another way of putting it, they quit trying to win over the voters with policies and have been and still are doing now the traitorous work of denying voters the right to vote. Don't get me wrong, not all voters, only voters who mostly do not vote for them. They are selecting who they want to vote not allowing the voters to select who they want for leaders. If you are not paying attention then you are part of the problem and will become democracy less because of your inattention. So pay attention and try helping the rest of us to stop the republican coup right before your eyes by getting rid of the filibuster or at least carving out a piece of it especially for voting rights protections.

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