Tuesday, June 22, 2021

(#4525) The battle intensifies today in the Senate

      If you are not tuned into the senate today on C-span2 then you are going to miss out on watching the republican party squirm in their shorts over voting against voting rights. It is one of the most important votes that will show just how much republicans are against democracy. They don't want every eligible voter to vote and democracy is such that all eligible citizens are rightfully allowed to vote. So denying the vote to Americans will be what republicans will be doing today in a unanimous vote. So anyone who has a small amount of reason in their mental toolbox will know that democrats want everyone who is eligible to vote and republicans want to deny those who are eligible who would vote against them from voting.
     This has been a republican strategy for decades now. Picking their voters to fit their agenda. Not voters picking their candidates to fit the will of the majority of people. The majority is what makes democracy work, not the minority of voters deciding what the majority of voters should accept. The republican party is the minority party in America, behind Independents and democrats, https://news.gallup.com/poll/15370/party-affiliation.aspx. So for the arrogant republican party to be trying to call all the shots as to how we are governed is just another example of their dirty condescension of the rest of us.
     Today, as I am now watching the senate open its daily business, will be a day that highlights the complete destruction of the republican myth that they care about our democracy. Of course the business of the day is about more than the cowardice and authoritarian stance the republican party has adopted. It is also about the daily progress to fill openings in our federal agencies but make no mistake, today is the day when republicans vote unanimously to deny voting rights. It is a shame that they are doing so and they were even elected seats in our government when they are working to end our government from within. You make your own judgements but don't waste too much time as little is left to save our democracy!

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