Tuesday, May 25, 2021

It is time for the showdown between democracy and autocracy (#4497)

      The brashness that autocrats exemplify is growing to a crescendo. Which to me means that they are optimistic that they can push democracy around. Even thinking they can overcome democracy through their brutal behavior. Well that is what they think. Here is what I know. They are full of wishful thinking when they bet that our democracies will fold under their boorishness. What I do expect us to do is to get all up in their faces and challenge them to a fight. We are not a sleeping giant nor a shrinking violet. We are ready and willing to knock them out of existence if they do not back down and allow for democracy to flourish in their own societies.
     There is no room for allowing each individual nation to have it's way in our world when their way is to suppress and harm. The nature of our planet is at stake and the only way we all get out of this alive is for all of us to be on the same page. No more time for dictators or autocrats who would deny human rights. The time is now for all of us to stand up for our democracies and make the ultimatum to the stragglers who still seek the power over all. They are bullies and need to be dealt with like bullies. Confront and challenge and then be ready to whip their asses. The Covid-19 virus has allowed us to reset our societies in many ways and since we are resetting our ways let us go full bore and reset our world into a shared vision on democratic values.
     The world has dictators who need to be swept away and in our own nation we have selfish assholes who think that democracy will not allow them to rule. All of these bad actors need an ass kicking to show the world that anything that denies democracy has a very bad ending. I hope the chance is taken and the autocrats are forced to blink in the face of the whole world watching. I am tired of the stalemate and now is the time to force the fight that has long been needed. Changing our world into a cohesive unit of humans that respect the dignity of freedom and every life is long overdue. Take heed wanna be strongmen and women, a reckoning is coming and you are about to feel the heat!

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