Friday, May 21, 2021

Giving the cannabinoids a shot at relieving the pain (#4493)

      My doctor says that the health group I am with does not advocate for any marijuana use for pain relief. So I am doing my own testing to see if I can find the correct Indica strain that relieves pain without sending me on a mental trip inside my own head. lol. I am no novice at using pot since my early days starting in the 60's but it has been nearly a couple of decades since I last partook of the substance. Well now a days my lower back is a real point of pain and the idea that I am increasing my dosages of the prescription Ibuprofen is troubling.
     I spent yesterday in the most pain free way with just a joint of Indica that lasted all day. I am not usually excited about a pot product but this one is just the right mix of pain relief and no buzz. Which I need to keep my day in its at least normal routine. I don't expect to drive or go out into public while in a pain relief mode but having my day be livable in the old normal way is truly a gift. I am hoping the research on marijuana for its most effective pain relief will continue and evolve to the point where just having the effect of pain relief is the only side effect. Moving on from the traditional pain relief pills is my goal and hopefully marijuana will help me do that.
     It is amazing to me that when I was much younger I used to smoke pot on regular intervals and enjoyed the buzz in its very humorous way. Yet that is not me now. I am not trying it for recreational purposes, I am trying it for pain relief in my lower back where there is an intensity of pain that hampers any normal movement on my part. I push through the pain to get things done but then the price I pay later is an excruciating one. If some form of marijuana will alleviate my lower back pain so that I am more active and able to function then great. From one end of my life to the other, it seems that marijuana has book ended an influence in the book of my life.

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