Saturday, May 8, 2021

Music fills my soul today (#4480)

      Politics aside, music is my vibe this morning. Rocking out in the music of my day. For those of you who know what Kzap radio was from my youth will know the genre I am floating on this morning. With YouTube having most all the music of my day as easy to access as anything in the world is a beautiful thing. From vinyl to 4 track to 8 track to cassette tape to cd the sounds of mostly organized vibrations that lift and move me are a living thread throughout my life. Bringing those vibrations back to into my soul is a gift. Unlike politics, there is no disagreement in my mind as to what is good. Turn it up!
     The one constant that never gets old is the music that pleases my being. I can listen to a song from over 50 years ago and it creates the same excitement in me as if I were the teenager who first heard the song. From the melodies to the lyrics, the orchestrations soothe all my ills. I can escape my reality for just a moment and enter the magical world of unending imagination. Music does that for me. It gives me the ability to see my life and the world around me in so many differing ways. It connects me to the artists who create such magical worlds with their music. It is as if we are all searching for the same harmonic beauty.
     For the record, music is on always somewhere in my day regardless if it is just for a bit or as background sound when I am busy doing other things. I have no doubt that it is music that will create peace in our world. None of us can resist the waves of sound when they penetrate our beings. I find myself tapping my feet or swaying to the sounds even when I had no conscience recollection of choosing to do so. It is as natural as me breathing air. It just happens whether I choose to or not. Another aspect of music is the cleansing of my soul. I am so different from when I started listening to when I finally turn the sounds off. A refreshing but even more, a rejuvenating. I thank existence for the paradigm of music and will always be in it's debt for keeping me sane and energetic.

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