Saturday, May 22, 2021

Trying to build a bridge (#4494)

      Not all bridges are made from construction materials. Some bridges are psychological and are made differently from the concept of simply spanning from one point to another. Yet building a psychological bridge does accomplish that. It is far from an orderly process that can be followed on a blueprint. There is a concept surely and the end goal of course. Yet the in between is the tricky part. I am no great expert, craftsman, journeyman nor apprentice when it comes to building this psychological bridge so my often futile attempts are painful and discouraging. I do try though and once in a while I do succeed in adding a piece to that bridge that is solid and foundational.
     Finding my way is like stumbling around in the dark with no clear directional aim. But if I want something that is a value to me then I won't stop until I see daylight. Such is the psychological bridge I am working on. Lest I be more careful I can make what I have assembled so far come crashing down with no intent to do so. Life is like that, a series of trial and errors at times that will confound even the best of us. The tricky part is not only succeeding in building the bridge but not destroying it as I am building it. We all are tortured souls to some degree in our lives or we haven't really lived yet. So engineering my way through the morass of good and bad experiences and limited knowledge is my curse or seen in a hopefully better light, my template for what not to do.
     If building a bridge that would carry all the emotion and care that a lifetime would accumulate, one must be enlightened that there is another side to consider. My own experiences help me one way or the other in building this bridge but the other side where this bridge must find a solid mooring must also be understood. But like all things in life, anything worth doing will always be complex and filled with land mines. This isn't some simple task that has rules and guidelines. This is beyond the normal fabric of simple physics. The other half of this bridge is the two way travel that must be formed and being able to see in both directions while firming up the span of it is not something we humans are geniuses at. The work continues...

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