Monday, May 17, 2021

Doing the right thing in the book of your life (#4489)

      You have to live with yourself so how you live indicates what you think about life and the beings that inhabit the same space. Nothing is hidden from the rest of us because we are all too closely bunched together on this planet. Sure some get away with all kinds of things and given advantage and privilege that isn't a surprise. Yet how one lives often is enough for those of us with a keen sense of logic to discern just how complete a person is as to their behavior. I bring this up as a point of emphasis to explain why we should always try to be the better or best versions of who we are. Because once we give into the the fact that what we do is observable for the most part, what is it that we want to leave as our legacy?
     There is no great scorecard in the sky keeping track of our dos and don'ts, our good and bad, or our rights and wrongs. There is only us and those around us to know. If you have a conscience then you know what I mean, For those who don't have a conscience then this is all just a waste of time. But mostly all of us do have a conscience so how we live and what we do in life is or will be important over time. Sometimes it takes a minute or two in our lifetimes for us to get that we will remember our lives and when the remembering begins as reflections it is important to live our lives in such a way that the better and best of it are the highlights, not the worst of what a human being can become.
     I speak from experience in that it took me a moment or two when I was young to get that I am the living record of my life and I cannot fudge or recalibrate the fact of my life without lying to myself. I don't do that because I live in reality, not fantasy. I am a full grown man who hasn't got the luxury of playing childish games with my memory. I accept who I was during my learning years and I accept how I live after those learning years. I am not great wise man nor an example of how to live, yet I am truthful and honest about who I was and who I am. I accept my reality and the life within the book that is mine. Do the same in your life. Live like you are the best person you can be and then know that others can see your book being written and try to be proud of the words on your pages.

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