Friday, May 7, 2021

Pass the federal voting rights bills! (#4479)

      Reconciliation can not be used to pass the voting rights bills that have passed the House but need Senate approval. Since no republican will vote the for the federal voting rights bill regular order with a 60 vote passage needed, will not happen. So the last option is to carve out an exception to the filibuster for voting rights bills and then pass it with a 50 + 1 vote for legislation to get to Joe Biden's desk. 49 democratic senators have signed onto the idea of passing federal voting rights bills with the exception of, yes, Joe Manchin. He thinks that states should have the final say as to election procedures. His reasoning is massively faulty when considering that the greater federal offices are at stake.
     So not only will we have to convince Joe Manchin that federal voting rights are as or more important than state voting rights but that we need to adjust the filibuster if no elimination of it is possible. A task that at the moment seems insurmountable, yet even Joe Manchin will see the writing on the wall as we move forward with no honest negotiations coming from republicans. Joe Biden has made it clear that he will not allow republicans to obstruct his agenda so he must be in some kind of a secret agreement with Joe Manchin on process after the exhaustion of regular order processes. At least that is what I tell myself given all the logic at stake here.
     A national voting rights law will even out how and when our electorate can vote with states having to abide by the federal rules. Giving everyone their right to vote without obstacles and impediments is at the heart of the federal voting rights bills. Even Joe Manchin will understand that democracy requires participation, not oppression. So I figure like what I have already heard that sometime in August the trigger for a filibuster carve out will be triggered and Joe Manchin and the rest of the democratic caucus will pass the voting rights bills with their 50 votes and then the tiebreaker cast by Vice President Kamala Harris. We will get this passed and then the republican party will find that their attempt to abuse democracy will not prevail!

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