Sunday, April 4, 2021

Evolution, it is a basic human function (#4446)

      It is quite dumbfounding to listen to those who deny evolution as a necessary process. We humans have been evolving since even before we crawled out of the gooey sea as it was. The exoskeletons, the mollusks, and we the vertebrates have been evolving since our early molecular bonding on this planet. Of the 3 main categorical species known in general knowledge, we the vertebrates have been the most forward advancing in the evolutionary timeline. Nothing about us is static. Maybe in the short term like a lifetime one may see little change but a lifetime is but a millisecond in the overall time we have been viable as a species.
     So nothing anyone would conceive to say about evolution being a fiction is worthy of anything other than to be laughed at and then discarded. Even as we evolve over the length of our own time we can see multitudes of singular and complex evolutions with our physical shapes and as well our mental understandings. Evolving is what we do and no species on Earth is devoid of evolution. So the makeup of our existence is founded on change. Those who do not accept evolution as a fact have left us with too many who are not informed enough to even be talking in public but even worse holding public office. I find it incredulous that being afraid of the truth is better than accepting the truth. Yet here we are.
     I will continue to evolve regardless of what others around me do if they choose not to accept reality. My life gets harder and others' lives do as well when some of us gum up the works with their fears and how dumbing down appears as a result of their fears. Adaptation to our environment is of the greatest concern now as we have let the forces of climate change continue to the point of causing disruption to our normal above planet activities. There is time to reverse more devastating effects but it will come at a cost. Can we get enough of us to understand that life is about change and what change is needed now to keep things from getting exponentially worse needs to occur now without delay!

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