Thursday, April 8, 2021

A moment in time (#4450)

      Time is a funny thing. Every now and then a bit of it becomes so recognizable as an opportunity to change the whole dynamic of how our Human society in the U.S. can function. Now is one of the moments in time. A democratic President. A democratic majority House, and the slightest democratic majority Senate. First of all let me say that it is has been a decade since I could actually look forward to watching either C-span channels without being disgusted by either one or both being under republican control. But besides my own personal like, an opportunity to pass legislation without any republican input is available.
     Yet we have at least on democratic senator who will not let us use our democratic presidency and bare majorities in Congress to reshape the political, economic, and social order of our country by eliminating a senate rule that was initially designed to nullify minority votes. The allegiance to a rule is now to be equated in the same context as democracy itself. One is a subset of the other. The rule is a subset of democracy and even then that comparison is embellished. The rule is an antiquated effort at maintaining illegitimate power in a democracy that is being denied because of it. So my consternation at the one democratic senator who has laid down the gauntlet on moving from his protecting the filibuster at all costs position.
     This moment in time will not last beyond the current set of circumstances and not taking advantage of eliminating the filibuster will go down in history as an infamous miscalculation of a perfect storm of opportunity. For all the misfortune to have a single critical democratic senator so incapable of conjuring up the courage to manifest the destiny we Americans so richly deserve is nightmarish. This moment in time will likely not occur again and what will come next is at least a generation of nothingness. A slow death of obstruction by the republican party that is intent upon moving away from democracy to autocracy. Shame on Joe Manchin and anyone else who is so unwilling to be part of what could be.

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