Monday, April 26, 2021

Joe Biden is proving to be formidable (#4468)

      I, like many of we democrats did not see this side of Joe Biden during the run up to the election in 2020. I knew he would be a good candidate against trump and that was the case but I didn't see the side of Joe where he has been championing progressive policies that are exactly what our nation needs at this time. It is unfortunate that people like Joe Manchin have to make themselves impediments to Joe Biden's agenda. We are still early days so it may be that Joe Manchin will come around eventually but I don't like him being so obstructive. Still, Joe Biden is not to be dissuaded and if anything Joe Biden is more adamant about getting things done in any way he can.
     Which is not the same with Joe Manchin, who cries for bipartisanship yet shows not such effort to make it happen. If Joe Manchin can get bipartisanship from republicans on legislation then so be it but either put up or get in line with the Joe Biden led policies since they are the priority, not Joe Manchin's vision of how legislation should pass the senate. Our nation is hurting and our democracy is under attack so unless Joe Manchin figures out why he is in office, to serve the people, we will be unsettled and divided more than ever thanks to Joe Manchin.
     Who will pay the price if Joe Manchin is not moved from his obstructive position? We democrats will be because the big money of the republican party will hammer home the fact that we cannot govern and get things done so why vote for us in the 2022 midterm elections. Yeah, that inept corrupt republican party will be able to paint us democrats as weak and ineffective. Which is more true than not because of Joe Manchin and his unworldly like loyalty to republican senators. This is still better than if trump had regained the presidency but what could be is what will be sacrificed at the altar of Joe Manchin and that is a horror of its own.

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