Saturday, April 24, 2021

Getting the Census back to normal after trump (#4466)

      The Census Bureau is no longer under the influence of trump and his cronies. Yesterday a federal judge dropped a federal lawsuit by those of us concerned about how trump was politicizing and manipulating the data. Because a settlement was reached whereas the status and data are now back to their traditional interpretations. The citizenship question is not to be included nor is the data on immigration. In the past the census was just counting people who are in our nation. Which is appropriate in deciding how representation is to be allocated per district. What trump was trying to do was jigger the numbers to allow for more republican control by not counting folks in democratic districts.
     The blatant partisanship of trump and this current republican party has not only fed the racist agenda of their dwindling base but it had been slowly deteriorating our democratic principles. The decision yesterday stops that attempt by the previous corrupted administration and puts us back on good footing as to knowing our national population. Getting this census correct is the main objective of we democrats while getting the best selfish outcome is the agenda of republicans. Nothing much changes with republicans as they are only interested in maintaining power through any means possible. But their attempt to manipulate the census has been stifled and defeated.
     What we accomplished in the 2020 election was so absolutely critical to our democracy. Joe and Kamala have been just what we needed and now if we can get the 50 democratic senators in our caucus to agree we can make some mighty paradigm level changes to our society, politics, economy and justice system. We must keep striving to stop the worst of what the trumps and republicans attempted to do to us and make sure that they or others like them can never do those things again. Getting an accurate account of our citizenry, whether democratic or republican, is what the truth demands and that is what we democrats live and fight for.

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