Friday, April 23, 2021

It is time for DC statehood! (#4465)

      The round number of 50 stars on our national flag is a psychological barrier to admitting DC as a state to all of us if you want to be honest. Yet round numbers are just an enumeration like all other numbers. The number 51 can be divided by 3, 17 times. So how it configures on the flag can be made to become interesting. Then considering Puerto Rico as the 52 state is also a number that can be divided several times to make for an other interesting configuration of the stars on our flag. When I was born there were 48 states in our nation before the adding of Alaska and Hawaii by 1960 to make the current 50. Both of those states are disconnected from our contiguous earlier 48 states so adding Puerto Rico would not be uncommon.
     But DC is part of our nation and it is even more populous than 2 other current states, Wyoming and Vermont, while barely trailing Alaska in population. The idea that we would have that many people living in the US without equal representation is absurd and needs to be rectified immediately. That republicans are not for DC statehood has nothing to do with a competent argument and everything to do with two other more nefarious reasons. The first being that as a democratic stronghold it would likely add 2 new US Senators to the democratic Senate caucus. The other being it is an area that has a large person of color population. And yes I will call the other reason a racist one.
     The House yesterday passed a bill that allows for DC to become a state. Now we need the senate to carve out an exception to the filibuster and have a majority vote on the House bill. With the idea of eliminating the filibuster all but impossible at the moment the better course is for a carve out of the filibuster to allow majority votes in the Senate for only adding new states. This is our best option for getting equal representation to DC which does not have an elected representative to the House who can vote nor any Senator in the Senate. Again, DC has a larger population than 2 existing states so how in the world can anyone be for democracy and not want equality for all it's citizens and call themselves a democrat? Do it!

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