Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Joe Manchin is becoming an Albatross around our necks (#4469)

      The idea that the filibuster in the senate is so sacred that our democracy is worth sacrificing is completely and utterly delusional. The pretzeled logic it takes to equate a senate rule that has been diluted over time as more a priority than protecting democracy is still illogical. No matter how Joe Manchin justifies his flawed reasoning he is still wrong to hold up life affirming measures aimed at reimagining our society while protecting the very institution that he serves in. He is a servant of our nation and yet he acts like our master. He is shaming himself with the outcome of his actions because he is causing the downfall of our form of government in the name of bipartisanship.
     Normally bipartisanship is a good thing when dealing with honest and rightfully concerned politically viewpoints. But that isn't what we have here. We have one political party, we democrats, who are trying to salvage the very idea of democracy with policies and practices that enhance participation on equitable terms. The other political party is not concerned with equality nor our democracy. Instead they want to deny voting rights, equal representation, and participation in redressing injustices. So this isn't about being fair this is about protecting and enhancing our democracy. Which in reality, if Joe Manchin would reason, analyze, and conclude, he would be less an obstacle to progress.
     I won't get into the dark theories as to why Joe Manchin won't budge on advancing legislation that would salvage our democratic manifest destiny but if he doesn't budge it would seem that he has some dark reason that is not worth the exponential harm he would cause because of it. Joe Manchin is at a tipping point now and if he doesn't find his way back into the democratic fold he will forever be known as the Albatross around the neck of our dying democracy. He will be kin to the worst of the characters that have lived in history and his name will be synonymous with the cowards who put themselves above the great harm and suffering they caused, or in his case, will cause. How shameful and despicable!

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