Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Voting rights, either for or against (#4470)

      There are republicans who think that restricting and making it more difficult for our United States electorate to vote is a good thing. At first glance this seems like an odd position. So naturally I being an objective person, tried to understand why it would be good to restrict and make voting more difficult. This is what I came up with. Nothing good! What it does for republicans is keep what they hope is the democratic voting majority from turning out in elections therefore giving them more chances of winning with their lesser candidates. The republican party has forfeited working for the American people at large and now only represent the wealthy and powerful.
     So anyone who thinks that giving the republican party its wish to deny voting is not a democracy loving individual. They instead are democracy killing individuals. So there is no debate as to why republicans are squashing voting rights, there is only the fact of it. We democrats on the other hand want to expand voting rights to all United States citizens and make it as easy to vote as possible. Why? Because we are democracy loving individuals who know that when we all participate in our democracy the better our democracy becomes for all of us. We are not trying to scam a power play on our citizenry, on the contrary, unlike republicans, we trust the one person one vote ideal.
     The difference is between we democrats and republicans is that if a vote goes against us and everyone is allowed to vote as is their right then we accept the result and then work to make our nation better. Not republicans, when they lose they work to deny voting rights and obstruct everything they can in order to claim democrats cannot govern. This game of theirs is getting old and the sooner we the United States electorate wake up to it the better our nation will be when the republican party is voted into oblivion. The same with our elected democratic leaders, the sooner they understand that they are being played by republicans in order to undermine our own party the better our nation will be.

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