Saturday, April 3, 2021

Trust your instincts (#4445)

      I know this sounds like another political post about the horrible republican party or the fighting mad democratic one. That being true about both party's it isn't necessarily the focus of this blog posting. Trusting your instincts can overflow into many different paradigms all at once and it would behoove one to understand how trust works and when to apply it. Trust is a gift that should not be given with a carefree attitude. As we all should know from our own personal experiences, trust is often abused and laughed at by those who are only in life to gain from everyone and anyone they meet. If you are unsure about that just wait another day or so and watch someone prove it to you.
     I am not a cynic by nature but the fallacy that we are all good honest people is overblown. Sure we do weed out those who are of an obvious untrustworthy nature but even then we find that we are incapable of filtering them all. Especially when they are long time friends or family. I don't hold to the blood is thicker than most things because when wrong is wrong, those who allow it are just as wrong. Then there are times when we must just stick our necks out to see if trust is something to offer in good faith so that trust can be returned. If it works for respect, which I respect everyone when I first meet them and then respect veers or stays as time dictates through their thought and behavior, then it can work for trust.
     None of us is in a position to lose trust without some pain or suffering but there are no trust gauges attached to us so that we can read them before trusting so taking a gamble is the only way to begin to find out. I had thought I could live the rest of my life without needing to discover new trust but it seems that I am happily mistaken. I try and that is all I can do when an improbable opportunity arises. To move from the improbable to the probable there is work to be done and the value of that work is based upon the reward to be attained. We all have our wants and needs so deciding when and how to meet those wants and needs requires us to put it out on the line and see what opportunity breezes in.

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