Saturday, April 10, 2021

No expectations (#4452)

      I know what needs to be done and yet I am not going to let myself get caught up in the "it isn't happening" mantra. I am for sure hopeful but I am not going to burst a blood vessel over any of it. The most of us who are progressive/liberal know what must be done and even though we can barely do it it seems that a few of our politicians are reluctant for whatever reason. I get that the most of us are angry with the few politicians for not understanding what the most of us see as an imperative. I am just tired from it all but that isn't why I am not getting into a rage. I need my sanity and nothing it seems that I could say or do will likely change the few from their position.
     That will have to be up to others who have greater insight or influence than me. I don't expect a turnaround by the few but I do hope for it. I need to have other priorities in my own personal life to keep me occupied so that I don't become a raving lunatic who is insanely angry over what most of us see as absurd stupidity by a few. Instead I will keep posting about the efficacy of popular policies that would reimagine our society and advocate for them wherever and whenever I can. Taking the passion out of it helps me to regulate my inner mental health as well as keep the stress of it all from causing me physical harm.
     So having no expectations is a safe way of maintaining my sanity regardless of whether the few who are bottlenecking our democratic agenda continue to do so. I cannot change them into caring intelligent human beings who put their own personal agenda to the back while lifting up the good of the public to the highest priority. I can only hope that the powers that be can make the kind of inroads into the mislaid loyalty of the few to erode their indefensible positions. The good and great that may be accomplished is now and although I won't be getting emotional about it but I am not giving up on it. This window of opportunity won't be open for long so unraveling the chaos to some efficient order needs to happen very soon.

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