Thursday, April 29, 2021

A presidential speech (#4471)

      Joe Biden is if one thing, an honest caring man. What is as good is that he is insightful. He can see that we the United States working middle poor class is in dire shape and he wants to correct that. For decades our middle lower economic classes have taken hit after hit on our ability to earn and participate in the American dream. All the while the wealthy have had the benefit of the republican agenda to increase their wealth exponentially compared to we the lower economic classes. Well that greedy paradigm is being exposed fully by Joe Biden and all he needs is a few republicans or obstructive democrats to get on board and help him reverse these decades long harmful trends.
     In his speech last night Joe Biden laid out his plans for doing just that and now what he needs is the will of a few politicians to help him achieve that equity. This really is a no brainer in that a healthy and thriving working middle poor class will boost our economy to heights not seen since the 1950's. What is keeping this from happening on the republican side is that they won't get much credit for this new economy and thus they surmise they will lose political power because of it. I do agree with their fear because when they don't put our working middle poor class first they alienate themselves from a majority of voters. Yet they choose to not represent the working middle poor class so whose fault is it that they are unpopular? Certainly not the working middle poor class's nor the democratic party's.
     What Joe Biden offered last night is for republicans to join we democrats in providing a fair economy to all and all they have to do is accept the offer to help. It is on them and if they don't choose to represent all Americans then their infamy will be secured. I know that it is tight in the Senate for passing legislation and the current obstruction to filibuster reform seems unmovable. Yet with the passage of time and no other coarse available I do believe filibuster reform will occur because if it doesn't the fate of our democracy becomes perilous. With Joe Biden's speech last night and Senate majority leader Schumer reiterating that legislation will pass, the future of our nation is bright indeed!

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