Saturday, October 1, 2022

(#4990) putin putting junior officers in charge because his experienced officers are mostly dead

      The obviousness of the latest putin maneuver to replace his dead commanders with military school recruits is mind boggling. He thinks that no matter what Russian the murderous invasion must go on despite the devastation to his military. That is one cold calculating monster. These young recruits both command staff and line soldiers will have no chance to survive the next month or so. The Ukrainian military and partisan fighters are seasoned and experienced in defending their homeland and attacking the Russian invaders. This will not be a happy time for Russians conscripted into fighting a no win invasion in Ukraine.
     The one who should be putting his life on the line is putin who has so far mismanaged this invasion while also underestimation the sheer force of will of the Ukrainian people. There has to be a reckoning for putin for his ego driven brutishness and outright lies to his countrymen/women. How in the world can the Russian people not uprise and usurp power from the ego driven putin and put him out of power. They have only themselves to blame for the 100's of daily deaths of their sons in Ukraine for only putin and his ego. Do they think they will get to share in the hoped for spoils of war against Ukraine? No, they will be no better off for all the sacrifice they have already made.
     With logic in place it is correct to assume that if the experienced commanders were unable to protect themselves and their troops how is it even possible to think fresh recruits will be able to reverse that? They won't, but what will happen to them is the same as their previous commanders, fertilizer for Ukrainian soil. The end of the Russian hegemony in Eastern Europe is officially being destroyed by the fighting spirit of the Ukrainian people. So few thought this could occur but occur it is.. As long as putin is allowed to remain in leadership the worse for Russia the future becomes.

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