Monday, October 31, 2022

(#5020) Why I am a Democrat

      Those who are not democrats or are not decided on what political party you are most represented by, this is why I am a democrat. All of my life I have been surrounded by people who are less than glamorous and not high intellectual achievers. For the most part we are just ordinary people who have for too many reasons of inequity were left behind by those who were much more fortunate than them. Their hearts and minds are/were of good ethical and common sense values but their initial goals of being special in our society were not allowed enough time to develop for so many complex, difficult, and different reasons.
     The less fortunate were for a simple explanation left behind to fend for ourselves in what has increasingly become a dog eat dog society. Yet our curiosity and compassion is still vibrant in our lives. To me we are heroes in the sense that we give/gave more good to the world then our more fortunate fellow humans, while having far less to offer. Because for some reason the more successful navigators of our unjustly compromised world seem to gravitate toward condescension and arrogance which is where the republican party has it's base. It makes sense when you think about it why the republican party has been a devoted ally to the wealthy and the conmen/women merchants. Where some of the worst natures of humanity are celebrated and encouraged.
     My heart has been for those whom I can help and appreciate the help. I have been in my life such a strong determined soul and enough of a physical presence to stand up in public and honor noble principles that are more to do with good character and happy personalities. The living of life with others in this world should not be about what I want from everyone else, but for what we all want for everyone. There will always be special ones in our societies and that is good for overall human evolvement, but the rest of us need to have the same rights and opportunities in life to pursue our more maybe less enlightened happiness but surely just as important to a healthy and vibrant society.

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