Tuesday, November 1, 2022

(#5021) The republican party is the insurrection authoritarian party!

      There is no need for me to provide proof of my claim in the header, just listen to most republicans running for office or their handlers. They have decided to come out of the shadows and stand by their narrative of destroying democracy, controlling women, hating on people of color, and cozying up to the perfect example of an authoritarian in putin. For all these reasons, when actually only one would have been plenty, the only votes these people should get are from those who follow them in this line of thinking. So every republican vote is a vote to strip democracy from our society.
     I cannot fathom that this is where we are. I posted something earlier to the effect that I shouldn't have to convince anyone to not vote for republicans. You would have to actually be unable to process their narrative when they speak it so clearly for you to vote for them with a clear conscience. I know way too many who are hung up on the team thing. They have always voted for republicans as a rule without having to weigh the positions of republicans that are grave and self destructive. But those days are over now because if the kneejerk vote for the republicans continue they will soon learn that their inattention to reality will have stripped them of any governing decisions in their future.
     For me in my frustration I have said that I am happy that most of my life has been lived so that I don't end up living much longer under the rule of republicans who would allow democracy all over the world to be taken down. I wouldn't have to live in an American society that keeps taking from the working middle poor class and giving it to the wealthy. I wouldn't have to see the doe in the headlights look from suddenly aware republican voters who would find themselves in shock at the cruel brutality of republican policies in implementation. I wouldn't have to live long in the republican utopia of subjugating the most of us to the whims and fancies of the some of us.

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