Thursday, November 24, 2022

(#5044) Ukraine slowly taking back its territory

      With the liberation of the key city of Kherson, Ukraine is poised to cross from the north side of the Dnipro River and begin recapturing Crimea, The southern edge of the Dnipro river is currently held by the Russian invading forces. They will not be able to withstand the forces that are about to confront them so retreating further back into Crimea seems their logical strategy. The cities of Mariupol and Melitopol will still need to be liberated but after that the end game for the Ukrainian retaking of their Crimean territory will begin shortly. Whether Russia stays and fights a losing battle to keep Crimea or they simply further retreat out of Crimea is still unknown but the future of Crimea will be under Ukrainian control.
     In the front in the Luhansk and Donetsk region the armed forces of Ukraine are slowly inching forward liberating towns and villages. The Russians have dug in and are trying to mount counter offensives but are being rebuffed at every turn. Russia has resupplied this region with some of the best fighters they have left. Which is beginning to show that the last battle for Ukraine will not be in Crimea, although Crimea is a crucial territory of Ukraine that Russian national pride is built upon; but instead the Luhansk and Donetsk region will be where putin puts his last stand on Ukrainian territory. The problem with that is the morale of the Russian people and fighters is heavily invested in keeping Crimea.
     All in all this invasion by putin is coming around to haunt him to the point that his own replacement is obviously imminent to all but him and his buddies in the kremlin. The Ukrainian people with western help have proven too much for the ill equipped putin and his arrogant psyche. As Russia continues to bomb necessary Ukrainian civilian power structures the will of the Ukrainian people has only become more resolved to defeat putin and his invaders to the last dying breath. If putin thought that the Ukrainian people would cry uncle and surrender to his war crimes inhumanity he has only deluded himself and likely ended his existence in the Russian hierarchy.

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