Sunday, November 6, 2022

(#5026) A flood of fake polling by republicans to psychologically discourage democratic voters

      It amazes me just how foolish the republican party is. As well the national media for biting on the lure. The republican party in the last week or so has flooded news reporting sites with fake polling showing a swing toward republicans. Well that is laughable! It is as obvious as all get out and the media is to be shamed for forwarding that dishonest and despicable narrative. There is no momentum for republicans because they have done nothing to deserve it. They have not changed from exclaiming their insurrection stances, nor there dismantling of Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid. They are still wanting to end any law that protects a woman's right to choose.
     So where would this mythical momentum come from if it were real? Nowhere is where. It is made up and came from a flood of dishonest polling added into the daily averages of polling that many culpable political reports are forwarding. The logic of republicans getting momentum behind their democracy destroying agenda is the stuff of fantasy! The only wave that is about to crash down on our election is a blue one and the more our base continues to show up to vote the larger the blue wave will be. The national media is corporate owned so don't expect the kind of honesty from them that you would apply to your own life. They have an agenda and that agenda is far removed from being honest and respected.
     There is only one poll that matters and that is the ballot you place your vote on. When it is all said and done the truth is that we democrats and like minded independents/republicans are done with the power hungry republicans and their desire to end democracy as our ruling paradigm. They would take away your vote if they could because they want to design society with no input from the vast majority of us. Their consultants are their donors so the wealthy will not only get all they want but they will decide how little if anything we get. I am done with the republican party and their arrogant deceptions so come November 8th the will of the people will decide our future, not some amateurish tricks by the republican party.

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