Thursday, November 3, 2022

(#5023) The republican party candidates are mostly election deniers!

      Being an election denier in the republican party is real simple, claim election fraud and then never produce any evidence of election fraud. Well the republicans did commit some fraud but that isn't who they are blaming. They are blaming democrats of massive voter fraud without a single bit of evidence. So when you go to vote this November remember that the republican party has more voter fraud candidates running for office up and down the ballot than not. So why would you vote for any person who is so detached from reality to represent you? Why I ask is because I don't understand the logic? I mean I have tried to understand logically but I keep coming back to it being illogical.
     So how has the republican party been able to change the narrative from logic to what, confusion? Because they are not appealing to anything that is ethical or moral. They want to cut Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid for future generations of workers and the poor. I keep saying this and it is always true, the republican party is not for the working middle poor class. They just aren't! They do nothing legislatively to help the human foundation of our society. They only want to help lift the ultra wealthy up to an even higher classification of wealth. I mean what does that do for our democracy? Nothing except to undermine it and eventually change it so that only the wealthy have a say in how we treat each other.
     I don't know about you but I suspect you would agree with the concept of one person one vote. I mean at least we get to have a say in our society. With the wealthy, through republican help, wanting to have the final say in how we live our lives the way we vote for or against them is going to be here in 5 days. So what will it be? Will we preserve democracy by voting for every democrat on our ballots or will we end up with republicans in charge of making our lives even more difficult by only working for the wealthy? Again, logic dictates that the illogical needs to be discarded. So when the vote time comes for you remember that it is democracy on the ballot and the only ones protecting it are democrats!

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