Sunday, November 20, 2022

(#5040) Living day to day is the only way

      It happens every morning so far. I open my eyes and realize that I get another day. I take nothing for granted anymore. I used to take things for granted a lot when I was younger. But life has shown me that my cavalier attitude toward being in existence was foolish and immature. Now I entitled this particular blog post as day to day being the only way but as well I try to plan ahead with the future in mind. But each day has is its own reward and the care that needs to be taken is what it is all about. I guess the easiest way to explain this is that I live in the present moment much of the time and don't allow myself to move from the present time in my head.
     I do not worry about things I have no control over although I fight like a grizzly bear to protect and defend honor and respect noble paradigms. Still though these are in the present and that is where I and a lot of us live. What that does for me is allow me to present myself to the world as a blank slate. I don't bring the past or some hoped for future into my present and that allows me to be objective and balanced. It is as if I am able to see all sides of everything all at once. There is no mystery or confusion to being in the present. It is where we all are in the moment so no amount of trying to deny reality will ever change that.
     I have had days when good things happened and I stayed even keeled. I have had days when bad things happened and again I stayed even keeled. I am a passionate man but knowing how to control that passion is a hard fought victory for me and being in the moment has been the key. That bit of wisdom that I now possess is incredibly important. The reason being is that all things revolve around how I react and not react. Having the ability to discern that judgement with clarity is amazing and lucky I am for learning it. The latter half of my life has been an evolution from my beginnings. I am not the same person by a whole lot. It is because I allowed myself to learn from mistakes, and the corrections taken, while working toward evolving to the better and best I can be.

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