Monday, November 21, 2022

(#5041) Stop being judgmental of other people!

      Okay, I get it that you want your lifestyle to be as plain and simple as possible. So that you can feel comfortable. But others don't want that simple comfortable lifestyle when they have other aspirations and desires. Let them be who they are as they let you be who you are. Real simple here folks. Live and let live is not that hard to incorporate into your lives. You don't need to be an asshole about what someone else chooses as their happiness. It is ignorant and intolerant to be judgmental when your own life is not a picture of perfectness. I have found that being who I am is just as important as you being who you are. Figure it out and move on with your life without being a pissant!
     If you haven't already figured it out that life is real damn short then figure that out too. Because it is and making trouble for folks with the little time we all have is several degrees below what the fuck! If your fear is that other people are different from you then grow up and quit acting like an immature spoiled brat! Because here is a clue, everyone is different no matter how hard they may try to be the same. So enjoy your life with a clear conscience. What others do is what they do and what you do is what you do. There is no right and wrong here only variation. So if you don't like something then stop it! You are no better or worse than anyone else!
     As long as no one else is trying to make you be who you aren't then be happy. Or if someone else is trying to make you who you are not then tell them to fuck off and look to their own lives. No one likes a bully who thinks his/her way is the only way. Life in this existence is not that way. There are no absolutes in this existence that has danger, chaos, and mortality in its resume. We all make the best of what there is in reality so keep your mind on your own evolution as a young person to hopefully older one. Same as everyone else should be doing in their lives. Just stop judging people over how they live or by whatever physical characteristic they are recognizable as. Just stop it dammit!

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