Friday, November 4, 2022

(#5024) The blue wave is going to crush republicans on November 8th

      Yes, I said crush! How badly is an unknown at this point but crush it will! The polling has been rigged to make it appear that the republicans had begun to build their own wave. But that is not what is happening. Just like a lie that doesn't produce the correct results, the flood of questionable republican polling will produce no result in their favor. They did the bulk release as a way to influence the polling and give themselves the appearance of a chance. But we see through that and know that our blue wave, which has been building since even before Kansas, is the true wave coming.
     I can tell because of the early vote totals. Especially in Georgia where records are being broken every day. With the national numbers poised to break the 2018 blue wave election record the premise that republicans are going to lose the midterms becomes even more understandable. Whoever is going to win the midterms will be decided in large part by the independents. Well the independents are not insurrectionists. They are not a majority for denying abortion. They are not pro putin nor for ending Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid. Thus the idea that independents would vote more heavily for republicans than they would democrats is absurd on the face of it.
     I keep going back to early turnout as a major indicator. The fact that more will vote early this midterm than last midterm, a blue wave election, is much more decisive in deciding who has the momentum than a handful of polls just released by republican strategists. Try to fool us republicans and get the boot to your backside because we are voting and that is what is going to supply the force to send you to defeat. Release all the polling you want that is fudged to show you ahead but the final poll is going to be the honest one and in that poll you will find that being dishonest and generally a disgusting political party is not an answer to the solutions we Americans need.

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