Sunday, October 16, 2022

(#5005) The closer we get to the election the more people will vote for democrats

      The national polling hasn't figured out how to formulate algorithmic momentum yet but regardless, momentum is on the side of democrats. How do I know? Pretty easy to figure out because who is excited to be a insurrectionist? Who is excited to destroy democracy? Who is excited to deny women equality in our society? Who is excited to only recognize white men as the only deserving privileged? Who is excited to destroy Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security? Who is excited to keep our planet in dirty energy? Not a lot of folks as far as I can see. But those who are against these obnoxious policies of republicans, like we democrats, are excited to defeat these horrendous goals of the republican party!
     Now I know I am not telling you anything here that if you didn't already know knew in your gut but were hesitant to admit. Well that hesitancy is all but coming to an end and with that are coming more democratic votes. It will be something special to witness if things continue over the next 3 plus weeks until election day. Many have already voted like myself because I and we want to make sure our vote is in so that we are free to help others if needed to get their vote counted. We need all of us to vote in our society so that our society is truly reflected in the results.
     We democrats won't be able to change the thick headed who cannot see the trees for the forest but we can change the minds of those who do practice critical thinking but are as yet fully informed. Those people will be the difference in how this election proceeds to a conclusion. So we must make our best arguments for our case so that not only will democracy survive it will thrive! Inclusion and opportunity will be our key words for our economy and reversing the wrongs of the past into positives going forward. We democrats are the future of our species while the republicans are the past. This will be our democratic narrative going forward and the fight for our civilization to continue toward a pursuit of happiness for all of us!

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