Monday, October 17, 2022

(#5006) Always the optimist, never the bullied!

      It is always a fine line between wanting everyone to do well and also being strong in the face of assholes. I always give at least one benefit of the doubt because I know that sometimes we all get to a place where we need to make mistakes in order to learn. However, the old adage of "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me" is a hallmark with me. I will not tolerate those who are willfully intolerant, willfully hateful, willfully undemocratic, nor willfully ignorant. There will always be those who cannot stand on principles of honor and respect. To those there is no space in my life.
     But for the vast majority of us there is nothing but space in my life. I am not immune to dismissing family and friends out of my life because I am just as equally adept at admitting new friends and family like people into my life. There is no time to waste on mucking around with chaos and drama when the best of what life can be is the alternative. That is why I am always optimistic about our future. We have way more good people than awful people in the States and I expect that to show itself come election day November 8th. Yet the fight for our soul is not done as there are still more than 3 weeks left until the election.
     As we get closer to the election we are seeing even more of the ridiculousness of the republican party. If it weren't so serious and dangerous it would be laughable. Yet too many take the republican talking points as somehow necessary which is why we need to make sure that no republican gets a single democratic vote. How we do that is by telling the truth and standing up hard to defend it. No more wiggle room for the bullies in the world only raised fists and a glare that would burn a hole in thick steel. We democrats want great things for our society and we will only get them if we fight with a vengeance to protect the opportunity!

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