Saturday, October 8, 2022

(#4997) The republican party is correctly being punished for being anti democratic!

      As well they should be. The momentum that we democrats are carrying into this midterm election keeps growing and what was supposed to be an off party victory in historical terms is becoming an in party victory as it is trending. The reason for me is clear. The republican party has become a party of anti democratic policies and even supported an insurrection on January 6th 2021. That republicans feel the need to be anti democratic is based on the fact that they are not a party of inclusion, Instead they are a party of pure capitalism where too many are left behind with no hope of a life of happiness. Life is too short to have to be denied opportunity so only a few can have most opportunities.
     If I had to choose the most egregious denial of rights this cycle it would be the ending of Roe v. Wade. Taking the right of women to choose what happens to their bodies and future lives away from them is not only a bridge too far but it is so emotionally charged as to get most free thinking women and men angry and ready to do something about it. There are other problems the republicans are facing. They ignore science so often that our planet is about to have a reckoning against we human beings that could end our existence. Nature has always been a balance but republicans are not attuned to that concept. There is also the links to hate groups that are exemplified by right wing nazi propaganda.
     All in all the republican party has stopped offering social programs aimed at giving our society the equity it demands and has instead embraced authoritarian dogma that puts people into categories of property to be controlled instead of equal liberties with equal freedom. Most people are beginning to see through the veil of ignorance and lies that the republican party is fomenting and as we near the election day of November 8, 2022 I expect the democrats to have convinced the swing voters in this country that voting for republicans is voting for dictatorship and iron fisted rule. Democracy is a precious gift to everyone and people of good will know that and vote accordingly.

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