Wednesday, October 19, 2022

(#5008) If you live long enough you see how much damage republicans have done to our society

      The republican party has not in my lifetime been a party of the people of America. They have been the political party of the wealthy. So when reagan got in and did his union busting and trickle down economics the republicans were chest bumping and glad handing each other because they were finally going to prove that they were right about our society. Well since those days unions have been decimated and the price of labor has stagnated and floundered. A real republican conquest. Not only that but with tax cuts to the wealthy, (trickle down) we see that nothing much of anything had trickled down over the last 40 years. So although the trickle never occurred the wealthy still got the bulk of profits.
     Remember that the republican party is all about making sure that the wealthy not only remain wealthy but increase their wealth at rates that are not good for those of us who are not wealthy. Which by the way is about 98% of us. So in a democratic society the republicans fully support about 2% of our citizenry while abandoning the rest of us 98%. So when you go to fill out your ballot this election just know that if you vote for a republican you are voting for tax cuts for the wealthy who are already ridiculously wealthy. You are also voting to deny unionization which protects workers and increases their labor. You will be voting against that if you vote republican.
     Then to top it all off you are hereby reminded that a political party that only represents about 2% of the population is not a party that will fight for democracy as a political system. Instead republicans would prefer an autocracy in the form of a cabal of the wealthy or a strongman like putin who would only represent those who have wealth and their own power. Democracy protects all of us who are in the working middle poor class so voting for a democrat makes more sense since we are the political party of the working middle poor class. What is actually also true about democrats is that we do appreciate the wealthy and their accomplishments but not to the point where we give them our rights to deny!

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