Saturday, October 29, 2022

(#5018) 70,000 Dead Russian soldiers in Ukraine.

     How many more putin? How many more young Russian men will die for your ego? To call putin a mass murderer is to be kind. He keeps sending young men to their certain deaths as the Ukrainian armed forces are too well equipped and trained to do nothing less than destroy what putin puts in front of them. Yet putin keeps putting these now lifeless souls out as a reminder of how tough and strong he is. Well he is neither tough nor strong. He is instead a callous low minded cad who would gladly destroy his own country in order to keep power. Sound familiar to anyone paying attention in America? The same mindset of indifference to life for trump as it is for putin.
     The difference here though is that putin can send young men to their deaths with impunity. The kremlin is a toothless tiger who like the Russian military is devoid of character and principle. The smell of rot coming from the kremlin explains why they had not as yet put an end to putin's war crimes. They are letting putin destroy their nation with no brilliance to be found. The absurdity of putin's propaganda is reflective of what trump is doing here. No common sense to be explained yet followers galore. A sad commentary on the state of education and lack of wisdom that both Russia and America currently display.
     How much longer Russia can sustain the losses of life for no gain in Ukraine is really the big unanswered question. How much longer can the under the rock dwellers in the kremlin continue to sit on their hands and do nothing to stop putin? My guess, which has a terrible track record on this partiular subject, is terrible yet the logic of me thinking they will stop putin is sound. The law of diminishing returns guides my thinking and as long as Russia is throwing away blood and treasure the tipping point for making it stop to me has already passed. Yet nothing is being done that is obvious to stopping putin before another huge amount of deaths occur. Do something kremlin!

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