Friday, October 21, 2022

(#5010) Life is too short so do the correct thing and be a good person, and vote for every democrat on your ballot!

      You do know how you vote defines who you are don't you? Mean and greedy people vote for republicans. People who are too afraid to let anyone know who they are vote independent. People who vote for democrats are good and nice people. People who don't vote are the arrogant selfish ones who couldn't care less about reality. Now you may argue with me about these terms but I am just boiling down what I have seen over a lifetime of observation. The only people who are doing good things for all of us are the ones who vote for democrats. That is a fact whether you like it or not!
     So in which category do you belong? I always say that life is too short to be messing around like it isn't. By that I mean that defining who you are and standing up for that is how you begin life with sense and purpose. When you know that you are a good person and are living as one then you know you are not wasting the precious little time we have to be alive. Bad people who are selfish and mean are not living life they are just existing within life. Their content and behavior are what makes for the problems we have in the world whereas good people don't make problems for others as a way of life. So which is it you are?
     The coming election in 18 days will define who you are so who are you? I only ask because the fate of our nation is at stake and what you do is going to either save our democracy or you will be part of the problem which will destroy our democracy. Your choice! I for one am fighting like a hellcat to save our democracy not just for me or mine but for all of us who are alive and will become alive. Because I know who I am and I am one of those who wants good for all of us not just for myself or a few I think are like me. I am not a prejudiced person when it comes to human beings. I am for equality, equity, fairness so that we all have a shot at our pursuit of happiness. Will you join me and vote for every democrat on your ballot?

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