Wednesday, October 12, 2022

(#5001) Better to be off Facebook than limit my speech

      Yes, I have been hit with a 7 day suspension from Facebook for being frank about a war strategy. Fine, they got a problem with this speech and want to punish me for speaking then so be it. I will get along fine not being on their platform for a week or however long next time. Because I don't really care what they think about trying to tame me of my right to speech. I was not inciting anything, I was not hating anything. I was simply stating that blowing up that bridge that had already been damaged was the right thing to do. Blow it up and be done with the Russians easily supplying their troops in their murderous invasion of Ukraine.
     What is ridiculous is that I could have instead said eliminate that bridge and would not have been subject to Facebook's arbitrary guidelines. Yet I didn't so maybe I will try to be a bit more selective in my verb selection when describing real war tactics but the point being here is the context. If I am not allowed to discuss alternative strategies in an illegal invasion where 10's of thousands of innocent beings are being killed and maimed then Facebook is becoming more like putin and less like Zelenskyy. I suspect that to be the case anyway as too many of the ultra wealthy see themselves as demigods instead of citizens of democracy.
     So be it. In 5 days I will be back on Facebook with a tempered anger and ready to speak harshly but with more nuance. Or I will just enjoy my hiatus from the daily likings, not likings, and commentating. there seems to be much more time available to me in my little break from the masters of Facebook that I may just make it a regular item on my what to do during the day list. With all things that become more dictatorial than open and free with specific, not ambiguous, limitations, people will drift away. This is what I suspect may eventually happen to Facebook. Too full of themselves while trying to control our behavior and activities. Well enough of that and more of being the boss of our own selves.

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