Saturday, October 22, 2022

(#5011) If you want to fix the economy and more then vote for more democratic senators and house representatives

      It will only take us 17 days to begin straightening out the economy. At that time we will have enough senators to overcome the filibuster when they are sworn in on January 3rd. We will also have the necessary democratic house members to vote with the stronger democratic senate to pass legislation that will force corporations to lower prices and/or be hit with large profit taxes. We will also be able to fix other areas of concern like immigration reform, abortion protections, voting rights protections, police reform, greater health care reforms, raising the minimum wage, taxing corporations to higher degree, initiating greater climate change policies, improving education through insightful policies, creating better opportunities for all to work, supporting unionization for workers, etc...
     If any of these and many more things are a concern for you then you will vote for every democrat on your ballot whether federal, state, or local. Because if you don't then the republicans have promised us to reduce federal programs that we pay as insurance against old age and calamity. The republicans want to cut social security and medicare/medicaid entirely. They want the end of food stamps and discounted prices for those at the poverty level. They want women barefoot and pregnant without a vote to protect their interests. They want migrants to be punished for seeking normal agricultural work that has been a staple of theirs for centuries. in essence republicans want to despise us working middle poor class folks and order us around to fulfill their nefarious agenda of power over the people instead of people democratically controlling the power.
     In 17 days the beginning of a new day in America will begin and all it takes is for us to have the will and savvy to grasp it. It is all there for us to see the differences in the 2 major political parties so which shall we choose? I have already chosen mine and my ballot has already been processed into the queue for counting. Early voting here in California, where it will be nationwide once we get our people in place after the election on November 8th, allowed me to vote for every democrat on my ballot and to protect statewide abortion rights. We all have a clear and present chance to make our America into a shining city on the hill so make sure that you do you part and give all of us here and abroad a smile as wide as the Mississippi River the night of November 8th.

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