Thursday, October 13, 2022

(#5002) The reckoning for putin is approaching

     As each day turns into night putin has to go to sleep knowing that his options for existing are dwindling. He is now at the stage where he is firing missiles at civilian targets in some kind of last gasp attempt to influence how Ukraine is operating this repulsion of his murderous invasion. All he is succeeding in doing is strengthening the resolve of the Ukrainian people as well as reinforcing the resolve of the west to stand firm on its commitment to Ukraine. He is finding out that the chicken littles are not in charge and instead the fight like hell warriors are!
     There is really only one card putin has left to play and he has already shown that card numerous times as attempts to scare his victims. None of the time has his nuclear threats deterred the mighty defense coming from Ukraine and the west. So all he has left is to actually use his nukes. There is nothing stopping him from doing so unless those inside Russia who have power decide enough is enough. What will happen when the defense of democracy, liberty, and freedom are under assault is to never back down defending those ideals turned into reality.
     So the fool putin will do what he does and we in the west will respond in ways that will certainly end Russia as a nation and will most certainly put putin out of existence. The negatives are what they will be and those who survive will have a record of just how it happened. Nothing in life is guaranteed and until most all humans understand that simple concept the way we live will be determined by fighting to keep the better and best of what we achieve viable. I doubt putin will go to the ultimate extreme but one can never say never when a despot is about to be caught and put to an end.

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